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Thursday 6 October 2016

Nothing Is Over until You Stop Trying

The Best Zyzz Quotes: Get Inspired Brah!

Let’s face it… Zyzz was very inspirational. He influenced an entire generation and changed many lives because of his story and transformation.
Here are a few quotes from zyzz that he is best known for:
Who is Zyzz

I am not zyzz. Zyzz is a person who took over who I am. I am Az , and Zyzz is a fucking spirit. Zyzz took over me. Everyone has a little bit of Zyzz in them. You just don’t know it yet.
Zyzz Message

My message is to train hard, don’t be a sad cunt, enjoy life and don’t take yourself too seriously. If there were more people like me, the world would be a happier place. I’d rather do what I do and have fun then sit back hating on someone achieving something.
Zyzz on Religion
Shreddology, the belief that to transcendence of life into heaven is achieved at 6% body fat.A complete euphoria and sense of accomplishment overcomes the shredder, entering, almost surpassing the majestic boundaries of human emotion
The Zyzz Mindset

Everybody, one day will die, and be forgotten. Act and behave in a way that will make life interesting and fun, fuck a mundane predictable life working monday to friday with something you derive no pleasure from; just living life out till you grow old and wither away. Find a passion, form relationships, and don’t be afraid to get out there. Fuck what everyone else thinks. Trust me, its alot more fun that way.
Dont ever pay people out or put people down. Instead just put yourself up and let the haters do their thing. Id rather be a person that’s hated on, than a person that does the hating. A wise man once said..
Haters gonna hate!
Zyzz on Being Called Arrogant

That reminds me of something…When I have my shirt off, I get called a show off. But when a random skinny kid has his shirt off, or some tubby bloke, nobody says anything or cares. Funny.
On Veni Vidi Vici
AKA my chest tat. I came, I saw, and I conquered. Fuck being second. I must dominate in everything I do.
Zyzz on Being Confident

Being confident was a gradual process. I remember going to a rave when I was 17 and seeing girls all over these ripped guys, thinking, “Fuck they have it good.”
Then started training. Eventually, you stop giving a fuck about girls and grow a passion for it because you love it. If you dont enjoy it and you want to do it just for the end result, you might as well give up, because you wont be consistent.
I’ve seen many fall. I’ve been training 5 days a week for the last 4 years, whether or not I go on holiday, am sick or injured. No excuses!
Zyzz Inspiration

At the end of the day, I have respect for anyone who wants to make a change for themselves to start training and improving their body and health. In my opinion, the gym/training/dieting lifestyle is by far the most fun and rewarding way to live your life. The people that laugh at the overweight and obese people in the gym are a disgrace. I applaud them for having the courage and determination to train and want to make a change for themselves despite the obvious hardships they would face. At the end of the day, its all up to how much you want it yourself.
Some people don’t care that much, are happy with their bodies and its not a big issue for them. Good for them. But for anyone to take the piss out of and ridicule anyone trying their best to lose weight/gain muscle and make a change for themselves, especially if they are finding it hard due to their genetics makes me sick. If you want it, you will get it, and will eventually prove the haters wrong. And that is one of the best feelings a human being can experience.

If you ever heard any of the phrases like “You mirin” or “Come at me bro“, as well as words like sick cunt,aesthetics, and Veni Vidi Vici…remember that these were all started by Zyzz.
He was more than a person. He was a revolution. An icon for transforming your mind and body into a stronger version of yourself. You can find Zyzz quotes pretty much everywhere… You can even get Zyzz shirts with some of them on it.
Here’s a gallery of a few more Zyzz quotes that I put together for anyone who needs a little motivation:

If you have anymore that I forgot, add them to the comments below and I’ll put them on.
Forever mirin’
Zyzz Fan


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